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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

None of The Beatles Could Read Music

The Beatles are talked about as one of the best bands of all times but surprisingly none of The Beatles could even read music! Although they could play the guitar, and wrote their own lyrics, they never learned how to read music. They did know the chords and knew where middle C was on a piano. In a 1980 interview with Playboy, John Lennon said: “I think Paul and Ringo stand up with any of the rock musicians. Not technically great — none of us are technical musicians. None of us could read music. None of us can write it. But as pure musicians, as inspired humans to make the noise, they are as good as anybody” Paul is the only one of The Beatles who attempted to learn how to read music. He tried to take piano lessons from his girlfriend’s mother but did not have the time or the patience. None of the others even tried.

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