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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

King John of Bohemia was a warrior and died in battle despite being blind!

King John of Bohemia (who was also the Count of Luxembourg and King of Poland) in the 1300s was also known as "John the Blind." Yes, you guessed it, John was blind. This didn't stop him from acting courageously as any King should though. John was the son of Holy Roman Emperor Henry VII and his wife Margaret of Brabant. When he was still in his teens, he became the King of Bohemia. When he was around 40 years old, John went blind from ophthalmia. Attempted treatments to reverse the effects of the disease did not work. John continued to rule though. When the Hundred Years War broke out in 1337, he allied with the King of France. When the Battle of Crecy began in 1346, John was 50 years old. Despite his disability, he insisted on fighting. He was killed during the fighting. After his death, the saying "to fight like King John of Bohemia" became popular and meant "to fight blindly."

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