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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

To reduce childhood obesity, Belgium substituted soft drinks for beer in schools!

Oh Belgium, they really love beer over there. In fact, they love it so much, that they chose it as a healthier alternative than soft drinks in their school system! They wanted to reduce the childhood obesity rate by giving students the choice of either a lager or a beer, both of which won't exceed an alcohol percentage of 2.5%. According to Rony Langenaeken, a chairman on the board of education who supported this decision, "Beer is for the whole family...And this scheme will be for children between the ages of three and 15." Suddenly those milk plans we all loved so much in school look a little lame. Children can drink this low fat, low sugar (allegedly a lot healthier than soda) low alcohol beer instead of having Coca-Cola or lemonade at lunch time. Don't worry, apparently the children will have to drink about 5 litres of the stuff before they become intoxicated. The childhood alcoholism rate might sky rocket, but at least childhood obesity will be lowered!

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